A Little Dessert Survive
Started in 2007, A Little Desert Survive began as an episodic monthly one-page-only magazine initially published at the California Institute of the Arts. ALDS’s distribution was as a game of hide and seek appearing quietly on CalArts notice boards free for readers to take. ALDS contained all sorts of advertisements, writings, drawing, interviews, and reviews of art happenings. The general writings in ALDS have strong grammatical problems, misspellings, and accents that represent cultural and language mutation. By admitting its mistakes, ALDS has become a subject and also an object that allows fragments, awkwardness, and cynical thoughts to alter into positive understanding and appreciation.
ALDS’s mission is to reinforce humans’s sincerity and honesty, to encourage others to stay engaged in a positive viewpoint of lives, and/or to re-appreciate/allow little mistakes to make us smile, "Although one life may not be long enough to complete a lifelong project, for now, we can at least let a little dessert survive!"
Christmas Special FCST@ALDS
Chocolaty Hunting List by 3C
A-Warm-Up Travel Review OKINAWA
Open Submission & Some Candy Time Review
Last Dessert of 2008- Dear BCC, A Cheesy Letter Written by MICE & Polka Dot Tree Review
Welcome Spring 2009 Interview: Carrot Cake w/lcing Review & Invitation: We Share Wish Machine
Magic Cake Sharing
4 Mins Expressive 1x1 inch Story Telling
Special Blink Blink Celebration Night & Balloon Drop and Pop Happening
In The Eyes of Yuji Candy Hong Kong Story
Dreamiality - Fashion for Today
Not the Very Current Update 'Last Word from the Pies in Suite 1111'